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Stanislav Nazarov
Stanislav Nazarov

A Planet Of Mine BEST

The devs have said they wanted to leave a lot for the player to explore themselves, which is why the encyclopedia starts empty. Its a brave move but clearly they havent tuned that feature quite right as a lot of players are in the dark at first. On the flip side, Ive only discovered 1/3 of the avaliable planet types so far, and its a big boost to replayability to know there is much more to discover.

A Planet of Mine


Something I picked up on from that video of the dev streaming: the world at the bottom of the race selection screen is your first planet for the game. You can check it out and select a race with a power that plays off that specific planet.

Over farming/foresting can be useful as the tile often has great stuff to mine underneath it. As youve found you need to keep a few trees otherwise you cant get wood. One worker can normally safely harvest wood without needing to micromanage, or two workers if you have a nursery/greenhouse type building.

A Planet of Mine is a mini procedural 4X. Starting from a single and unique planet, survive, gather and combine resources, develop your technologies and start the conquest of space. Choose your strategy wisely to colonize the procedurally generated system and dominate opposing factions by force or exchanges. This PC edition include all updates from the original awarded mobile version. Features:

In A Planet of Mine, you start with a spaceship, a handful of resources, and a couple workers on a random planet. Using these tools, you need to build a civilization, which involves building homes to create new workers, scavenging the land for natural resources, and eventually creating structures and researching technologies that allow you to reshape the planet you are on and even travel to (and colonize) new ones.

All of this is accomplished using a simple, but effective, 2D planetary interface that shows you the entirety of your planet and its goings on as it makes its planetary rotations. Most things in this view are accomplished by clicking on sections of land or dragging and dropping workers onto specific points of the planet. You can also speed up time by rotating your planet by hand, which is a nifty tool for when you're trying to simply mine mass amounts of resources. Overall it's a very intuitive control scheme, though it can occasionally feel a bit clunky.

If you simply want to play A Planet of Mine to grow and expand an empire of space chickens or any of the game's other anthropomorphized creatures, the Free Mode lets you do exactly that, though that doesn't just mean things will be a cakewalk. Resources in A Planet of Mine are scarce, to the point where you can run out of food for your people, over-mine pieces of land, and even pollute your planet using fossil fuel power plants. Unlike a clicker, A Planet of Mine's numbers don't just continue to go up. You have to make sure that they do or face potential extinction.

If you play A Planet of Mine without paying, you are limited to a couple of the game's races, a limited form of the Free Mode, and only one challenge. Though this may sound like a severe limit on freely available content, rest assured, there is plenty of free game here to enjoy. The Free Mode lasts up to 300 planetary cycles, which is no short amount of time, and the challenge offered can take even longer to complete on its own. If you play these two modes and decide you want more, A Planet of Mine is happy to offer it in the form of mini-packs of content for $1.99 each or a Galactic Pack that unlocks all the game's content for a single $4.99 purchase.

Since this is a strategy game, the best thing to do before trying anything else is to gather information about your planet. You can do this by tapping on sections of the ground. Doing so will give you details on what is currently occupying that space, what type of ground it is, and how much resources are stored in it. Tapping on occupied spaces will allow you to view details of the structures. It will also give you access to additional actions for the structure such as leveling it up and demolishing it. Unoccupied ground will give you more information on the ground itself. You can find out whether or not you can plant stuff on that ground, and you will also gain information on what species like working there.

The ground view is a good way for you to determine where you should build wells. As mentioned before, tapping on the ground will give you information on how much resource is stored. Pay special attention to how much liquid resource is in a particular segment. Liquid resources are hard to come by so when you encounter a piece of ground that has good levels of liquid resource, you should build a well on it right away. Make sure you extract all the liquid resources before using that area for other purposes. It goes without saying that you should not build any wells on ground that has zero liquid resources.

When you are not analyzing a part of the ground, you will be on the planet view. There are several pieces of information that you can get from this view and it is equally important for you to understand what you are seeing in order to play A Planet of Mine successfully. Listed below are some of the things you should pay attention to while in the planet view.

There are several different types of ground in A Planet of Mine and they will be represented by different colors on the planet view. Medium brown is savannah, medium green is jungle, purple is netheriumferous, dark brown is swamp, and so on. Looking at these ground colors in the planet view will help give you a quick assessment on whether or not you are utilizing the land well according to type. You want to make sure different species are assigned to work in the type of ground they prefer.

As mentioned before, resources in A Planet of Mine are limited. The planet view will show you the percentage of natural resources that are still available in the planet. Most resources will regenerate if you do not harvest them for a while. If you deplete them completely, however, they will not grow back. The sea also will not regenerate no matter how much time you give it to rest. Keep these things in mind before you squander your resources.

The different structures you have will produce different items. The planet view will let you know which items are being produced in your structures. This will help you figure out whether or not you should continue production in certain areas.

The structures that you build have different capacities when it comes to workers. You will be able to see on the planet view which structures can still accommodate additional workers. Available worker slots are represented by dark circles under the structures. For example, if you have a structure that has two available slots, there will be two dark circles underneath that structure.

There are several different species available in the game. However, not all of them will immediately be available to you. When you create an inhabitant, its species will be chosen randomly from the inhabitants of the planet. For example, if you only have Rhinos and Beaverians on that planet, then any additional inhabitants will only be either Rhino or Beaverian. If for some reason you only want Beaverians on that planet, then you just need to kill off all Rhinos. When there are no Rhinos left, only Beaverians will be created moving forward.

There will be times when you will have to reach certain Civilization scores in order to complete a challenge. One good way to improve your Civilization score quickly is to conquer new planets. Keep in mind that the Civilization score is based solely on the number of structures you have built. Getting new planets will give you more space to create new structures. If your only goal is to reach a certain score, you can just conquer a new planet and squander its resources on building random high-score structures.

Facteroids is a 3D factory building game about asteroid mining in space. Prospect, mine and manage your production lines in a variety of scenarios and procedurally generated worlds across the entire Solar system.

Antimatter is a sandbox strategy game, colonise planets, build your city on the surface or the underground. Build your spacestation or control your own spaceships to explore a huge and living galaxy !

You control a small colony in the underground of an unknown planet. Mine resources, build a base, explore the world and technology. Supply your colonists with oxygen, food and energy so that they can carry out their tasks.

JUNKPUNK is a factory management, base building, exploration game where a New World Robotics ship has crash landed. You and any survivors must restore this ruined planet and prepare it for habitable life. Craft, build, explore, discover, and grow to terraform the planet.

Cyber Factories is an Automation and Base Building game with some survival game mechanics.You lead a small colony of human remnants. Help them to survive, expand and gather enough resources to leave Earth for their new home planet.

Combine And Conquer is a relaxing, multi-planetary, 2D factory automation game. Mine resources, craft new items and structures via recipes and generate your own, custom building blocks. Expand your factory to span across multiple planets.

A Planet of Mine - a rather unusual large-scale strategy, which is gaining popularity in mobile platforms. And so, the main feature of A Planet of Mine is that all the playing field is on one screen, while you have to control the whole planet. Another interesting game decision is that, despite the rather familiar mechanics, but you have to gather resources, to explore the game world, to develop industry, and so, again, the weight of the gameplay will evolve on one screen, while the developers have managed quite harmoniously to compose all objects. And so, we have a game that allows you to try your hand at managing the global objects that will allow you to do this in a simple and accessible form.

In the coming years, we'll need millions of batteries: batteries to store renewable electricity and power a massive fleet of electric vehicles. But those batteries will require certain metals, and those metals have to be mined. And the mining industry can be a mess, sometimes associated with deforestation, child labor, and deadly floods of toxic waste. Is there a better way? Today we journey to the bottom of the ocean to find out. Along the way, we discover a massive government conspiracy and meet an adorable octopus. 041b061a72


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