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Brent Christensen
Brent Christensen

Process Control Designing Processes And Control Systems For Dynamic Performance

Material balance is applied to the system to generate a dynamic model of the system. The tank levels are assumed to stay constant because of the overflow nozzle and hence there is no level control involved.

process control designing processes and control systems for dynamic performance

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An important class of linear/quadratic optimal control problems, the solution of which can reduce plant operating costs enormously, is that concerned with the regulation of Class "0"* processes. Such processes are very common in the chemical and process industries generally. Within wide limits, such a process will often run smoothly, no matter what values of process input or type of control strategy are employed.......

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering offers curricula in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The scope of the departmental research and teaching program is broad, encompassing dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, manufacturing and design, nanoelectromechanical and microelectromechanical systems, structural and solid mechanics, and systems and control. The applications of mechanical and aerospace engineering are quite diverse, including aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles, energy and propulsion systems, robotics, machinery, manufacturing and materials processing, microelectronics, biological systems, and more.

Aerospace engineering is characterized by a very high level of technology. The aerospace engineer is likely to operate at the forefront of scientific discoveries, often stimulating these discoveries and providing the inspiration for the creation of new scientific concepts. Meeting these demands requires the imaginative use of many disciplines, including fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, structural mechanics, materials and aeroelasticity, dynamics, control and guidance, propulsion, and energy conversion.

The mechanical engineering program is designed to provide basic knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, solid mechanics, mechanical design, dynamics, control, mechanical systems, manufacturing, and materials. The program includes fundamental subjects important to all mechanical engineers.

Features of the dynamics field include dynamics and control of physical systems, including spacecraft, aircraft, helicopters, industrial manipulators; analytical studies of control of large space structures; experimental studies of electromechanical systems; and robotics.

The program is developed around an integrated approach to manufacturing and design. It includes study of manufacturing and design aspects of mechanical systems, material behavior and processing, robotics and manufacturing systems, CAD/CAM theory and applications, computational geometry and geometrical modeling, composite materials and structures, automation and digital control systems, microdevices and nanodevices, radio frequency identification (RFID), and wireless systems.

The program features systems engineering principles and applied mathematical methods of modeling, analysis, and design of continuous- and discrete-time control systems. Emphasis is on modern applications in engineering, systems concepts, feedback and control principles, stability concepts, applied optimal control, differential games, computational methods, simulation, and computer process control. Systems and control research and education in the department cover a broad spectrum of topics primarily based in aerospace and mechanical engineering applications. However, the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments also have active programs in control systems, and collaboration across departments among faculty members and students in both teaching and research is common.

Prerequisites: ME 370, ME 390. Analysis of aeropropulsion systems: gas turbine, fan jet, ram jet, scram jet, scram-rocket, solid rocket and liquid rocket systems. Introduction to aero-thermodynamics and advanced propellant combustion processes.

Prerequisites: ME 390; PHYS 220A/PHYS 220AL. Atmospheric structure/space environment. Aircraft/spacecraft configurations. Aircraft/missile systems performance, including flight envelope, aerodynamic approximations, available propulsion systems, structural form, take-off, landing, climb and range. Introduction to vehicle stability and control.

Prerequisites: ECE 240/L and ME 335/L. Corequisite: ME 435L. Machine and process control applications, data acquisition systems, sensors and transducers, actuating devices, hardware controllers, transducer signal processing and conditioning. 2 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab each week.

Prerequisite: ME 370. Application of concepts of mass and energy balances to environmental problems as a basis for analyzing and understanding the multimedia aspect of environmental engineering. Introduction of principles of air-pollution control and global-climate change, water and wastewater treatment, groundwater contamination, hazardous waste, risk assessment and resource recovery. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of sources of pollutants, and treatment and reduction processes. Description of pertinent environmental legislations. A semester-long team design project is assigned.

Prerequisite: ME 384 or equivalent. Corequisite: ME 415 or consent of instructor. Overview of the state-of-the-art of robotics and tele-robotics. Analysis, modeling and simulation of motions, differential motions and dynamics of robots. Emphasis will be placed on various aspects of robot controls, including position and force. Experience in robot design will be gained through course projects.

Prerequisite: Senior standing. Overview of the state of the art on autonomous ground vehicles. Locomotion, mobile kinematics, perception, localization, obstacle avoidance and navigation of autonomous vehicles. Emphasis will be placed on chassis design, various sensor performance and navigation algorithm development. Knowledge of motion control, vision perception, sensor active ranging and GPS navigation will be gained through course projects.

Prerequisites: ME 390, ME 470. Advanced topics in thermodynamics, emphasizing real fluid behavior and modeling. Interaction between thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics and transport processes. Selected topics from microscopic thermodynamics applied to both equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes. Applications to real engineering systems are stressed.

Prerequisite: ME 484. Design and control of mechanical systems. Time-domain and state space methods integrated into the design of dynamic processes. Application to automotive, aircraft, spacecraft, robots and related mechanical/aerospace systems. Digital simulations.

1. Control systems and process operations.2. Laplace transform (1st and 2nd order processes).3. Feedback and feedforward control.4. Frequency domain analysis, stability and dynamic behaviour of linear systems in feedback control.5. Non-linearity and time delay in feedback control.6. Controller tuning, Nyquist Criterion.7. Single loop digital controllers, PLC based loop and sequence control8. Introduction to distributed control systems, principles of batch process control, introduction to Enterprise-Control System Integration9. Introduction to Optimal Control10. Control of System of Systems (Co-ordinated and Co-operation control schemes)

The written exam enables students to demonstrate understanding, and apply knowledge and skills learnt to solve engineering problems. Coursework assignment provides students more time to think about larger issues and provide engineering solutions to them. This will also allow them to work as a team to handle more substantial problems.Coursework 1 - Theory-based assignment on designing control systems, studying the dynamic response and doing stability analysis will be given. Individual/team assignment with a report that has a maximum of 1500 words/student.

Advanced Process Control brings benefits by reducing energy consumption and improving the yields. The platform for Advanced Control and Estimation brings multi-variable control, quality estimation, complex calculation, user interface definition all in one application dramatically reducing deployment time and simplifying maintenance for robust performance.

Supply Chain Optimization- Optimize management of supply, whether oil in the ground or feedstocks for a refinery or chemical asset, in light of product market demands. This provides operators with the agility to take full advantage of market conditions.Operational Risk Management - Reliably control safety, health and environmental risk at a personal and process level. This assures the robustness required to avoid catastrophic losses.Asset Management and Integrity- Confidently ensure asset reliability and availability, whilst controlling maintenance costs. This assures the asset always meets expectations and is always available to capitalize on short term market opportunities.

For nearly 20 years, Yokogawa has provided hundreds of APC licenses and consulting & engineering services for a variety of process units. Yokogawa understands that tight, yet flexible integration with APC and DCS results in more profitable operations, and that regulatory control stabilization is important as a baseline for a control hierarchy.

Our all inclusive Platform for Advanced Control and Estimation brings multi-variable control, quality estimation, complex custom calculations, and operator user interface design all into one application; in doing so, dramatically reducing deployment time and simplifying maintenance for robust performance.

Automatic Step Testing is designed to excite the plant for full dynamic response while continuing process control and economic optimization. The powerful identification and modeling tools allow engineers to quickly extract the dynamic model from the plant responses.

Having sequenced multiple processors (controller, estimator, etc.) and all the supporting functions into the same environment (including customization of the user interface to the control application), our platform empowers control engineers to rapidly develop APC applications. This holistic environment platform drastically reduces the application development time. 350c69d7ab


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